When I bought my house in 2001, the laundry room was a closet off the dinning area in the kitchen. I really loved the house even though the kitchen and living rooms were very small, especially the kitchen. I had 3 very nice size bedrooms and even a bonus room over the garage. It was a great home for my daughter and me. My daughter turned the ENTIRE upstairs into her space. It was quite the set up!
We had a cozy front porch and nice neighborhood with sidewalks. We were extremely excited!
We had been living in a rental house for the past year, which was extremely small. Prior to that we were in an apartment for a year. I had gone through a divorce and moved out of the house my ex-husband and I had built on land his grandfather had given us.
You may be thinking, why is she telling me all this? I am giving you context for the journey I have been on to get to organizing my small laundry room.
A year and a half later, we had a major change. I remarried and he and his two children moved in the house. Remember me mentioning the living room and kitchen were small? Well this was in the fall of 2002. We lived cramped for 2 ½ years and then after looking at other larger houses, we decided to add an addition to the house since we loved the location and neighborhood. We also did most of the work ourselves. I will talk about that process in another post.
I have shared this background info to give context with where are now. The kitchen was completely gutted and remodeled. The old cabinets which were salvageable were saved. They became cabinets over the washer and dryer in the laundry room.
Organizing is a process. Below are the 10 ideas I have had to get our laundry room organized. This has been a process. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Maybe these ideas will help spark creativity in you to organize your own space.
10 Ideas to Organize A Small Laundry Room -What we Did
1. Refurbishing old cabinets for storage above washer and dryer.
2. Installed a shelf above washer and dryer for cleaning supplies and laundry supplies.
3. Installed a combination ironing board/iron holder to hang on the wall and store.
4. Hang hooks for anything you want to hang and have easy access. (I have an apron, bag for delicates and laundry basket hanging on a hook above my washer.
5. Planning on a note pad what would go in cabinets. I mapped out what would go in small bins and what would go in large bins AND fit on the shelves.
6. Move any “unrelated” items to another home. (We had extra towel and tools which were moved elsewhere).
7. Purchased bins to organize items inside the cabinets.
8. Chalkboard labels for bins to identify what was in them.
9. Find anything you can use around the house for storage-I had a decorative flowerpot to put small things in related to the laundry.
10. Collapsible laundry basket. It hangs flush to the wall and I can easily pull it out when needed.
Paint for Cabinets- L owes Glossy white paint-
Collapsible Laundry basket- Bed Bath and Beyond
Knobs for Cabinets-We had gold colored knobs for cabinets left over from our remodel which we could use on the overhead cabinets.
Clothes Drying Rack-I found rack at Dollar General in October 2020. It was around $10.00 and folds in half to store. (I was not able to find the link for this). Very inexpensive, sturdy and just what I have been looking for. I like the fact it stores easily. It can be placed over your washer and dryer or over a bath tube.
A collapsible Laundry basket can hang on a hook on the side of washer or dryer. It is handy to store because it sits flush to the wall. When you need to use it, just pop it open.
Supplies I used to Organize
Small and Large Storage Bins-- Container Store
Chalk Board Labels for Bins- Amazon
Ironing Board Holder- Lowes
Wire Shelving- the wire shelving above the washer and dryer were in place when we moved in. Lowes and other similar stores will carry these. You can build wood shelves or place storage drawers above your appliances as space allows.
Collapsible Laundry Basket- Bed Bath and Beyond-