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Replace Your Worry List-Find Out How

Writer's picture: Glory CreativeGlory Creative

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

Do you worry? Do you have a tendency to allow fearful emotions to rule your life?

You are in the right place if this is you. I can relate. In fact my family of origin taught me to fret and worry. This is NOT a good thing for a child growing up. You learn that worrying is caring and this is a big fat lie. I also grew up thinking almost everything in my life was MY responsibility. Unresolved problems have never been an easy burden to carry for me.

Guess what? God never intended for us to worry or carry burdens which are not ours. The best part of my childhood was when I spent time with my grandparents on their farm. My grandmother was always speaking about God and Jesus. She took me to summer vacation Bible School where I had a good time, felt loved and learned about the Bible in a nurturing environment. Those lazy summer days back in the 60's are still embedded in my heart and mind.

Fast forward to now and how our culture has changed. I just got home from the grocery where we did a quick run to get some things for dinner tonight. We have a young man (30) coming over tonight for dinner to catch up with us. He is a friend even though he is the age of one of our kids. We are excited to see him and catch up. He went with us on a family vacation last summer along with our kids, grandchild and some of our girl's friends. Such a wonderful time with all the generations!

Back to the grocery store. My husband and I were getting ready to check out and he saw "one of our girls". That means a cashier we have gotten to know and enjoy seeing. So we pulled our cart in her line. As she checked us out I asked her how work was going for her during covid. She immediately responded, "People are stressed out due to covid and they are mean to us." She further said, "It was like that before covid, but it is so much worse." She told us she understands people are stressed, but it has made work difficult for her.

I immediately felt grieved for her. I am not out in the world that much these days. I went through a challenging illness last year, during covid, so I am being careful. I see what is reported on the news and what my family and friends tell me.

I was reflecting back on the peace I experienced as a child with my grandparents. I have been experiencing this again as I submit to what God/scripture says. I don't need to run the world, fear or get stressed out about what is going on around me. God is the same as he was back when I was a child and everything was handled for me. He gives us responsibilities as we go through life, but sometimes we take on too many things which are not ours to carry.

I don't believe the Bible ever said, "I want you to be afraid and worry about stuff". In fact, there are multiple scriptures saying, "Fear not".

Isaiah 43:1

“Don't fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.”

Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

So why do we worry, get upset and angry?

Many times we are "afraid" we will not get what we want, someone hurts our feelings or does something mean to us. Fear is a spirit, has many forms and affects all of us from time to time.

One of our daughters came to us upset this week about her new job and some other personal issues. As we listened to her, we could hear the lies she was telling herself. I followed up with her the next day and she was still doing that. She said she was aware, but hadn't been able to stop. She is not super emotional, but like all of us, she has her tender spots where her emotions can get stirred.

A pastor taught us when this happens, "adjust your feelings to the facts". So much of our problems start in our thought life. I recently heard a sermon about thoughts. We are to give God glory even in our thoughts. This requires paying attention to what you are thinking about.

Sometimes we want to change something we have no control over. If we have done all we know to do in a situation, it is time to let go. Allow God to work, otherwise we are going around and around like a hamster on a wheel getting no where.

2 Corinthians 10:5

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

In talking with our daughter we could hear in her explanation about her fears and what she was thinking. Can you relate? God tells us to cast our cares. I was not taught this, I was taught the opposite. It has taken me years to let go of this teaching. I am still in progress. I am not where I would like to be, but I am not where I use to be.

When the young lady at the grocery told me how she was being treated and I knew there were cranky people being mean to the workers previously because I had witnessed it myself, I just felt God's grief. This is NOT His design!

We can start by submitting to God in our own lives. It is easy to point the finger at others and what they are doing wrong. We can get offended daily by the current trends and stay upset all the time. But I believe there is a better way.

Write Down Your Worry List

In the sermon I listened to, the pastor said, "If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate." He said he learned a long time ago to make a "Worry List" and put down everything he was worried about." "Then, erase the title and put "Prayer List". "Give this list over to God and meditate on scripture in the area you are concerned." Basically we let go of the outcome and allow God to work in the situation. Too many times we don't trust God to do it the way we would like. He is God and has our best interest in mind. This seems a little crazy doesn't it? The Creator of all heaven and earth has each of us in mind and what is best. What will it take to trust Him on the details of our lives?

Well, guess what? I have been purposing to submit my concerns to Him, correct wrong thoughts and sit under worship music. I think on scripture when negative thoughts try to invade and lay them down. I am not one hundred percent "cured", but I am on my way. It takes time to create new habits which will stick.

I am making progress. Recently we found out we would need to have some work done in our crawl space and it would cost $15,000. My husband was pretty stressed about it and he looked at me and said, "Aren't you concerned?" At the moment, I was focused on an order for some art supplies because I had gotten a 40% off coupon and some money for my birthday.

If he had asked me this question a couple years back, I probably would have been worried. But I knew how faithful Gad had been last year when we had around $300,000 in medical bills and were responsible for our deductible. God worked it out and he always has.

I can't say I was happy for this expense, but it had to be done. When you have a home, there will be maintenance and repairs. So, I was giving it to God and for my husband to gain guidance on how to proceed and I focused on art supplies. God has tasked me with learning art and writing this blog. So I figured, I just do what He told me to do. Think how amazing life would be if we could do this every time something stressful or upsetting happened?

When I start to think of something which is negative, I catch myself and turn my attention to scripture or to the truth. Most don't realize, but the negative and complaining words we speak give glory to the kingdom of darkness. Our words do matter!

Scripture tells us to seek the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

What is the Kingdom of heaven like?









These are just a few to think about.

Our daughter was a very happy, creative and positive little girl. Life can run over us sometimes and we need to get back to our Father's lap of love and allow Him to take all we cannot handle. He is big enough to handle all our problems and concerns. Sometimes we just need to be patient to wait and to wait cheerfully.

I realize this is easier said then done. When I was sick last year my hormones were all out of whack and it caused extreme anxiety. And I do mean extreme!! It is the worst thing I have ever been through in my life. Basically, I was not in my right mind. But I will say, God provided and I got through it. He was faithful to give me wonderful support and medical professionals. Honestly, there were times I really did not think I would make it.

Paul says to be content in all circumstances. Sometimes we do the best we can, but this is something to shoot for as a goal. God will meet us where we are.

Philippians 4:11-13

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Going through struggles and trials serves to strengthen and refine us. Sometimes we need support. We were not made to go it alone.

Job 23:10

"But he knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."

Trouble comes to us all, but it doesn't last. Sometimes we don't believe that. God has a good plan for each of us. He knows the way and if we listen and follow Him we will make it!

He is not looking for perfect people, He is looking for obedience and trust in Him.

If we love God and do good, we are on our way in the right direction.

Worry is a distraction to walking in all He has for us.

If you are reading this post, I would like to encourage you to make a prayer list of the things in which you are concerned or worried and pray. Get others to join you in prayer. You are not alone in your struggles. The Holy Spirit is with you and your brothers and sisters in Christ are there to walk with you through the difficulties.

If you don't have Christian support, or you need your prayers to be kept private, I would encourage you to seek your closest Pray Center. There is a team of loving Christians, just waiting to pray for you! If you don't have a prayer center near you here is one you can contact, Agape Prayer Center

Be Blessed and Soar in your life! God will carry ALL your burdens and give you an abundant life!

What are you waiting for?

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26 abr 2021

Great Blog!

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