Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
John 14:15-18
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
The Beginning
Growing up I had a grandmother who first taught me about God and the Bible. She would talk to me about God and Jesus and allow me to ask questions. She was a country woman who was a farmers wife. She had no formal theological education, but she was an avid reader of the Bible. Something I remember to this day. Sometimes she could answer my inquisitive questions and sometimes she would simply say, "That is not for us to know, just believe." We would sit out on her front porch and swing on the old wooden swing singing hymns out of a tattered hymnal. She would read me Bible Stories at night before I went to sleep and I look back fondly on this precious time in my childhood.
My grandmother sent me to Bible School the two summers I lived with her. It was a place where I memorized my first scripture. "For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him would not perish but receive eternal life", John 3:16. Bible school was a safe and fun place where dedicated followers taught us about the Bible in fun creative ways.
One of my fondest memories was sitting with my grandmother and watching Billy Graham crusades. Sadly, I never got to attend one in person, but His ministry has had a great impact on my life and I am thankful for media which broadcasted them and brought it into our home. God uses so many avenues to lead us to Him.
I did not have consistent exposure or teaching from Church or from my parents. We moved a lot and there was strife and turmoil between them. Consistency was difficult in my home due to constantly being uprooted . I gave my profession of faith after a revival at church when I was 13. I knew I was being prompted to take this great step of faith. It was one of those situations where you knew in your heart and mind, "God was nudging me to make a commitment to Him.
After that, I continued to have hit and miss exposure to church. Basically, I was saved and didn't really have any growth classes or much exposure to God and the Church body. Let alone any teaching.
I didn't know much beyond the fact I was saved. My parents had divorced the previous year and I struggled for many years living with my mother who was always angry and unloving. My father moved 3 states away and I basically "survived" what I was dealing with in my home. I look back on those years and realize I dealt with a lot of depression. Back then any mental or emotional health issues were not recognized.
Fast forward to my twenties. I started going to church, hit and miss during my college experience and a little more regularly in Graduate School. It wasn't until I got married at the age of 25 that I became more consistent.
I am telling you this brief back story to set the stage for the journey God has been taking me to grow my faith and develop a relationship with Him.
I became consistent in church and it was at this time I experienced real growth. When my daughter was born and I was on maternity leave, I took my first Women's Bible Study class. The class was called, "Experiencing God". It was during this study that my eyes were really open. I had learned very little in the way of discipleship due to barely being taken to church or shown much about it from anyone except my grandmother. When I did attend church, most of what I remember was about God being angry with all us sinners. For many years my view of God was much like my angry mother. I thought I needed to be good so I wouldn't make God mad at me. But I could never be good enough.
It was during The Experiencing God Bible Study, I first learned God could speak to us. No one had ever shown me this previously or talked about it in church. I knew the Bible was God's word and guidance, but I did not know He would actually communicate with us. This fact was a REALLY BIG revelation to me! Beyond this study, I was never in a class, heard a sermon or encountered anyone who talked about God speaking. In my mind, He talked to the important people, like pastors and I needed to listen to them to know what God wanted.
In the Bible Study, we learned God speaks through the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church. I remember being SO amazed that He might speak to each of us, but I thought at that time, He spoke to the important people to get His work done. I was just an insignificant person so He didn't speak to me. My journey with God would be following the Bible and what God had to say there.
There were times I thought God was showing
me something, but I kept it to myself. I figured I was just being silly or it was my imagination playing tricks on me.
God Woos Us
It wasn't until I was in my forties and had gone through a divorce and remarriage that I was introduced to one of my husband's childhood friends. She was a very Godly woman and honestly I felt intimidated by her. In time we grew to be friends and I learned she could hear God speak. It was during this time I can look back and know God was Wooing me to Him through her. I had no idea you could talk to God and have Him talk back to the level I saw with my friend. Again, I thought this was for special people. She had a special prophetic gifting.
Over time I began to accept the fact I too, might be able to talk to God. My friend told me he talks to me and I hear Him. This left me scratching my head, because if this was true, why didn't I know it?
I began to search for and delve into books, conferences, courses, etc., which would help me understand and recognize God in my own life.
God Speaks to Each Child Differently
What I learned in this search is, "God speaks to each child differently." If you are a parent you can grasp this more fully. We have three children and I don't talk to each one exactly the same. I have a different relationship with each one and how I communicate is differently based on how God made them.
God is no different. He knows how He put us together and knows how to speak to us. In those early days of thinking I was being silly, in actuality, God was speaking to me. So much can dull us out to His voice when we are focused on other things. I remember when my kids were all in the house and would be watching TV. I would talk to them or give them instructions and they didn't hear me. It was as if they were deaf.
We are no different. When we are focused on other things, even good things, we can be dulled out to God speaking to us.
What is your Experience With God?
I would love to hear your experience with God. Think about all His Children on the planet and how each one is unique and special to Him. How does your heavenly father speak to you? Or did you know He talks to you like I was, I just didn't know.
Different Perspectives
We grow in many ways throughout life. The Bible tells us we go from Glory to Glory.
2 Corinthians 3:18, "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
I started out believing what I was taught and based on my environment which included family influence and experiences. I know God loves us where we are, but He desires relationship and intimacy with us. He has so much more in mind for us than we do for ourselves.
We all inherently have a deep desire for intimacy and God will take us to Himself if we seek Him. He will not force anything on us or require relationship. He provides us with free will to chose.
Many people will attend church, read their Bible, fellowship with other believers, serve faithfully in ministry but miss out on the intimate relationship we can experience with our Heavenly father.
He allows us to choose. As I said previously, we have three children. We have a different relationship with each one now that they are adults. I know from being a parent the deep desire for relationship and intimacy with my children. God has given us that desire but unfortunately it gets misconstrued with other desires. How do we know? If you listen carefully to what we talk about the most, that is our focus. Where is God in the conversations we have? Is He in your focus regularly or every now and then? What do you know about His nature, heart, desires?
I have had acquaintances in my life and then I have had deep intimate relationship with folks. Where do you see yourself with God in this? Is He an acquaintance, good friend, or intimate father?
Connecting with God
This morning I was walking, listening to worship music and praying. God took me to a vision, it is a picture in your minds eye. He showed me "the narrow path" which was paved with jewels. I saw a path which had rubies, diamonds, emeralds and sapphires.
The Narrow and Wide Gates
Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Basically, this path is up ahead, but we choose it or reject it. Why would we reject the narrow path? It does not come without a cost and sacrifice.
The path I saw meant I follow God and submit to what He wants to do in my life. Too many times we treat God like He is a genie and praise him for what he can do or has done for us. Not for who he is. We make plans and then turn around and ask Him to bless us.
The narrow path is is about consecration to him rather than the world and pleasing man. We may say we are committed, but when the hardships and trials come, many are scattered and fall away.
The pretty and shiny things of the world are enticing. I don't believe most of us would choose the path of destruction, but many times we do so inadvertently and unaware of where we are.
God is Calling
God is calling forth those who want to walk out the consecrated life with Him. In this life you WILL have trouble, but you will live a life full of adventures, signs wonders and miracles as you co-labor with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Any loss or rejection you suffer for your faith will be recompensed a hundred fold through Him and His Kingdom.
He is calling forth His committed ones who want the life Jesus died for them to have.
Who will say "Yes Lord, choose me?"
Change is Coming
"In the last week when I have sought the Lord, I have seen Angel Armies surrounding the darkness. There is much chaos and confusion happening right now, but God is on the move taking us above the fray." We are positioned in Him to go through it because He is at our side walking with us and leading us.
I saw the Lion of Judah released to seek justice in the earth. For two years or more I had seen The Lion of Judah roaring, but being held back.
Our father is releasing the Lion of Judah for the Kingdom of Heaven. We will see change for the Kingdom of Heaven, exposing the darkness for what it is.
We will see what we have never seen previously.
1 Corinthians 2:9
"But as Scripture says: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”
Believe and you will see the goodness of God! Good things are on the horizon. I pray you will seek God and your part in this great story of His. He loves you more than you could ever imagine!
Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
God wants our whole heart!
Father help each of us to live the life your son died for us to have.
Bring us into your presence and bless our feet to walk out your plan and great story
in our lives. Show us the way and let us hear your leading to follow you in complete surrender to you.
Make us into the image of your son and show us our true identity in you!
Thank you for who you are and all you have been for us in your grand story!
We love you,
If you want more information on where I was able to get teaching on developing a closer walk with God and hearing his voice, e-mail me or write in the comments section and I will write articles with resources.
You can also e-mail me if you would like to talk about this personally.
Be Blessed,