The Lord is loving and caring for each of His children. He has a good plan for our lives and wants us to glorify Him. If we love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength we will be infused with His power and walk in the calling for which He has molded us.
Each of us is an individual and deeply loved by God, the creator of heaven and earth. We each have specials gifts to use for His glory. In a world with so much conflict and confusion, it is easy to get caught up in the fray. The enemy of our soul would like nothing better than to distract each of us and turn us away from God's calling on our life.
One of the purposes of this blog is to help support, encourage and facilitate folks to launch into God's calling on their life. In doing so, God will work His mighty hand in your life.
It is so easy to get pulled into what is going on in society and forget that God is sovereign over all. He only allows things to come into our life for His reasons and sometimes we do not understand.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight."
He has reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6 so many times. There is more which I don't understand than that which I do understand. The older I get the more He is teaching me to rest in Him as He works out all things for good in my life.
I have found if I do this, I experience peace and sit in His presence. I do not need to feel responsible to help Him run the world or fix all the problems. I know that sounds crazy, but so many times in my life I have felt like I needed to "do something" in various situations to help God. This is where discernment comes in, which is an ongoing learning process. Is God telling me to step in and do something about a situation or not? When you get smacked up side the head, so to speak, over and over, you FINALLY realize the battle is not yours, but the Lord's.
When we can get to the point of resting in Him and doing only what He is purposing for our life, it frees us up from the entanglements of this world. As an example, I know an artist who sees salvation and instant healings through his art and through praying for others. You may or not be aware, but God's healing power still exists today and the power of Christ is infused in us.
A few years ago my husband and I heard about a man named Randy Clark who held conferences which really helped people experience the Lord in a tangible manner. We also heard many people received physical healings, so we went to see what all this was about.
I have to admit, our socks were blown off by what we saw and experienced there! Basically we experienced God in a new and exciting way! For the sake of this post, I want to direct you to the calling God has for you, but I will say, my husband walked into the conference having been color blind his whole life to being healed "completely" of color blindness! This is just one example of the many miracles we saw and experienced.
Currently, God is leading me to learn art and to promote and encourage artists to glorify Him and promote Him through art to impact the world with the kingdom of God.
Calling to Impact the World
Each of us has special endowed gifts from God to use for His glory.
1 Peter 4:10-11
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus "Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Our life here on earth is temporary. Heaven is our eternal home. Life here is not a dress rehearsal. Keeping in mind we must purpose to make the most of each and every day for the kingdom.
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
James 4:7
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
The Calling On Our Lives
If you are a Christ follower, I would like to encourage you to step into the calling God has for your life. We all go through different seasons and times. For 10 years I was called to be a stay home mom. That season has passed and now He is doing a new thing in my life.
I have always been creative and more right brained dominant, but as the enemy would have it, I was shut down many times over by various word curses. My mom always told me I not artistic. The enemy loves to work through people to hijack the plan on a child's life. The truth is, "Every child of God is creative." We are all a reflection of God who is the ultimate "Creative One". Just watch any kindergarten class as they create art and produce colorful pictures.
I would like to encourage you to discover what God would like to accomplish through you. Push out the lies by testing what is being said to you by the word of God. If it is negative, it is not God. He will encourage you and show you step by step, which way to go. Sometimes we need to wait on God for that direction, but in the waiting He is still working.
Calling for Christian Artists
If you are a Christian Artist, seek Him for direction. You carry a powerful ministry. We have all heard how pictures speak a thousand words. In a society which has gotten contentious, negative and accusatory, we need the beauty of art to help flush out the noise of the enemy.
If you have ever seen the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, you will understand what I am talking about. Michael Angelo must have been thinking of the Kingdom of God when he painted it. Every detail was so very Holy and Beautiful! The world needs more love and beauty to cancel out the work of the enemy. God is calling us to rise up and walk in the destiny calling on each of our lives.
Flowing in Him and allowing Him to steward the outcomes allows each of us to flourish in HIs gifting.
Sistine Chapel
His Impact
I attended another conference a couple of years back to hear Heidi Baker speak. As she talked, there was an artist on stage who painted as she spoke. I always love to watch these Prophetic Artists flow in the spirit of God and wonder what He is showing them. It is like unwrapping a gift and seeing what is inside as a beautiful surprise.
As Heidi finished speaking, she turned and looked at the painting. It was a ballerina. What was the message? Heidi Baker had dreamed of being a ballerina and instead, she followed the call of God on her life. This message was for Heidi. Her sacrifice had not gone unnoticed, God was speaking this specifically to her as she gave her whole being to Him. He knew her sacrifice and acknowledged it publicly and the painting was a gift for her to take home as a reminder of His love. He knew what she had given up for Him.
You see, Heidi and Her husband were called as missionaries to Mozambique in Africa. There, because of the service of these faithful servants, the country has been converted from Muslim to Christian. In addition, they rescued children living in a dump. They pray healing for those in need and even for blind eyes to be healed. Heidi overflows with the Love of God. Love really can change the world.
Flowing in the Father's love is a powerful weapon in our world. I would like to encourage you to see Him in your calling and see what He wants to do through you. If you are an artist, remember the power of the images flowing through you. You never know how God may choose to co-labor with you and impact others.
Others who may be reading this, commit your calling to God and see how he uses you to impact others, whether it be through blogging, teaching, media, government, family, your job, etc. There are many ways to serve and make a difference.
God is raising up and army of Kingdom Builders. Together we can march in His Army to see an explosion of His goodness and beauty spread into the world.
Father, I pray for each and everyone who is purposing to impact our world for your Glory. May each one know the calling and purpose you have placed on their life and may they blossom and grow in you. Direct their steps and walk closely with them. Infuse in them a peace a passion through you and to others. May these faithful ones be blessed and bless those in their sphere of influence.
Father thank you for your love and for always loving us. Thank you for choosing to co-labor and to prepare me for the ministry you have called me into to Glorify you and assist you to spread your Glory throughout the earth."
Prophetic Watercolor Ballerina by Cindy Elsharouni